16 de setembro de 2011

TotalBiscuit descasca Idra

John Bain, o TotalBiscuit, foi entrevistado pelo Technorati. TB é, disparado, o melhor caster de games e esports que conheço. É uma figura que merece respeito, não apenas por apostar numa carreira independente em terreno ainda incerto, mas porque é inteligente, bem-humorado e ácido.

A entrevista vale a leitura para quem quer conhecer um pouco mais sobre a cena de “gamecasting” independente que a internet está proporcionando. Mas o que mais me chamou a atenção foi a carcada-monstro que TB deu no Idra, o mais nojento dos progamers. Veja abaixo.

Idra, um americano que migrou há alguns anos para a Coréia do Sul apostando na carreira de jogador profissional de Starcraft, é tido pela maioria dos espectadores de esports como grosseiro e arrogante. Sua marca registrada é o ragequit (ou seja, sair do jogo sem dizer GG, forma polida de reconhecer a derrota) e o abuso explícito sobre um oponente que está derrotando, especialmente se este tentou alguma tática não-usual (cheese).

Durante o beta do Starcraft 2, joguei contra o mimadão e quase ganhei num cheese de void ray (era minha única chance, pegá-lo de surpresa com uma unidade que, na época, era apelativa). Ele me venceu, obviamente, e tripudiou dizendo bobagens como “learn to play”. Bostinha.


EB: There seems to be tension between you and Team Evil Geniuses. Would you like to comment on that?

TotalBiscuit: (…) The issue is with IdrA specifically. I perceive IdrA as a person who snatches headlines from others who deserve them more, through negative actions. For instance, in a recent open tournament, he faced off against one of the strongest Zerg players in Europe, Nerchio, in a best of 3. He lost the first game within 8 minutes and forfeitted the remainder of the series, rather than face Nerchio in one more game. Bear in mind this was the semi-final, of a tournament which had 10 rounds and over 600 players, he fought his way through the bracket to get all the way to the semi-final and then waved the white-flag rather than be potentially crushed again in front of a live audience. This caused a lot of drama within the community and it's not the first time that his actions have lead to this, meanwhile Nerchio went on to defeat Korean player Yong in a stunning comeback and exceptional display of tenacity and skill, having lost the first 2 games in what was shaping up to be a white-wash in favour of the Korean. That to me, was the headline of the tournament and yet IdrA's antics once again became the centre of attention. It's embarrassing and for someone who plays StarCraft 2 for a living, he gives up easier than any other professional I can think of and I cannot respect him as a result. I wouldn't want someone like that in one of my tournaments and to be honest, the only issue I have with EG is that they are not visibly going out of their way to stop this behaviour from one of their star players. (…)

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