21 de junho de 2007

Música da semana: Pyramid Song


A mais profunda arte.

Radiohead, Pyramid Song.

I jumped in the river and what did I see?
Black-eyed angels swam with me
A moon full of stars and astral cars
All the things I used to see
All my lovers were there with me
All my past and futures
And we all went to heaven in a little row boat
There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt

I jumped into the river
Black-eyed angels swam with me
A moon full of stars and astral cars
And all the things I used to see
All my lovers were there with me
All my past and futures
And we all went to heaven in a little row boat
There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt

There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt
There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt

4 comentários:

Vanessa disse...

Sem dúvidas...só não dá para visualizar se é Realismo ou Surrealismo...

Vanessa disse...


dNap disse...


dNap disse...

Pra não fazer barulho pro Luis acordar, digo rapidinho que essa música é surrealmente realista...

De onde você vem?